Improve productivity with TealTools, a collection of six invaluable pop-up Palm Desk Accessories.
The package includes a two-size calculator, dual-mode clock and
stopwatch, preferences panel, editing tools panel, memo pad, and a
combination file and backup manager. The package also includes a
simple pop-up launcher hack for activating the modules.
Compatible with the Palm OS desk accessory (DA) standard, TealTools modules can
also be launched from within TealLaunch or other DA-compatible pop-up
launchers. TealTools is PalmOS 5 compatible.
Pop-up calculator
- Large and small sizes
- Copy/paste results
- Memory
Pop-up clock and timer
- 12/24 hour clock
- Date display
- Four-channel stopwatch
- Four-channel lap timer
- Countdown timer
- Optional audio ticks
Pop-up editing tool
- Change capitalization
- Add/remove bullets
- Auto-number selection
- Indent selection
- Sort text lines
- Phone number format
- Add day and time
- Encrypt selection
- Cut/Copy/Paste
Pop-up memo pad
- Eight pages
- Exports to standard app
Pop-up file and backup manager
- Shows all files in memory
- Beams apps and databases
- Forces backup of one or all
- Snapshots all backup bits
- File size display
- File type display
- File creator ID display
- File record display
- File date display
Other features
- Launches pop-up modules
- Uses pen strokes into Graffiti area
- TealLaunch/DA launcher compatible
- PalmOS 5 compatible