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Press and Reviews
Below is a sampling of clippings from reviews of our products.
If you have a publication or site which evaluates PalmPilot software,
be sure to contact us if you have any questions or if we can otherwise
be of any help. For more reviews and content, please visit our friends...
Palmtop User magazine - The biggest and best resource for PDA users
Makes the Most of Expansion Memory
"TealAlias is a fabulously useful tool. TealAlias is something every
serious Palm user should investigate."
PalmTop User magazine
"Easy-to-use, inexpensive"
"TealAlias is an easy-to-use, inexpensive program to manage and launch programs and files on your memory cards.
If you have run out of memory on your PDA, move your files to cards and get TealAlias."
Miracle Program!
"I had maximized all of the space I thought possible with all of my applications via an expansion card and was bummed because I had to start deleting programs due to space constraints. Then I heard of this little application...what a godsend!"
Mike F. Synowiec
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Complete Car Care
Five out of Five 
"One line summary: Very good auto milage minder.
After trying 2 other programs, I got TealAuto. What a
difference!... All in all a very and well thought out program."
Alex Gardner, on Handango.com
Five Stars 
"Nice package regrouping lots of auto related applications into one.
Easy and convenient interface makes it easy to use and thus gets used."
Bert Stanfield, on PalmGear HQ
Five Stars 
"Wow! Really amazing and user friendly. I have been looking for such a software
to track my fuel usage and maintenance and all the other software does not have the
flexibility to suit my needs. After I tried this software, I really loved it."
Gary Bushes, on PalmGear HQ
Five out of Five 
"Great Development!
So far, I have only had TealAuto for a few weeks and love the user friendliness.
For those of us who are always looking at our PDA and also want to take care of
our car (and keep records of that), TealAuto is a wonderful solution.
I consider the fee to be very reasonable and well worth it!"
Tim Schrock, on Handango
Five out of Five 
"It doesn't get much easier than this.
This is a great program for anyone that keeps track of vehicle maintenance and fuel records."
A reviewer from Pennsylvania, on Handango
Five Stars 
"This is the best vehicle management application for the PalmOS. Take my word for it! I have tried the other Palm-based applications in this category and none of them are as well designed and as functional as TealAuto."
Vince Agunod, on PalmGear
Elegant and Complete
"Do you meticulously track every detail of your car's maintenance? Then TealAuto is your new best friend. The most elegant and complete automotive database we've seen."
HandHeld Computing Magazine
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Protect your data from loss
Flexible Life Saver
"I dropped my device on the floor and it crashed enough to require a hard reset. So, I tried TealBackup with baited breath...a few taps and I was back in business!"
Shaun McKee, on Handango
TealBackup comes to the plate and hits a home run!
"I tried another program that did not keep all of the registration data. TealBackup kept ALL my data!!!"
David Zucker, on PalmGear
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Read and Edit Documents on the Go
Winner - SIA 2004 Best Program for PDA's
"The Shareware Industry Awards were presented on July 17, 2004 at the fourteenth annual
Shareware Industry Conference, attended by shareware authors, press, and shareware
enthusiasts from all over the world. TealDoc won the SIA Industry Awards as the
Best Program for PDA's."
Shareware Industry Association
Winner - SIA 2003 Best Program for PDA's
"The Shareware Industry Awards were presented on July 19, 2003 at the thirteenth annual
Shareware Industry Conference, attended by shareware authors, press, and shareware
enthusiasts from all over the world. TealDoc won the SIA People's Choice Awards as the
Best Program for PDA's."
Shareware Industry Association
Five Stars 
"I think this is the best e-books and doc reader so far!
The features added with v4.01 complete the package, making TealDoc
worth every penny you paid. The ability to control the autoscroll
speed and the smooth scroll are very nice. I can't see what more you
more from doc browser...
It's a must for every Palm!"
Andrey Stoev, on PalmGear HQ
Five Stars 
"Received five-star top rating and Editor's Pick by ZD Net editorial staff."
ZD Net Editors, ZD Net Online
Five Stars 
"Received top rating -- five stars -- by Tucows editorial staff."
Tucows -- PilotZone.com
Five Stars 
"Receive top rating -- Five Stars -- by Muchy's Palmware software editors."
Muchy's Palmware Review
Five Geek Heads 
"TealDoc has most of the features I can imagine being
useful in a Doc viewer... The team at TealPoint has once
again achieved the quality and functionality for which they
are known. I have not encountered a single bug in TealDoc.
It functions as I expect, with an intuitive interface. I give
it five Geekheads for Quality."
Elliot C. Evans -- UGeek.com
Full-Featured Bargain
"We're very partial to TealDoc, one of the most full-featured
doc readers around, and a bargain."
HandHeld Computing Magazine, Issue 5.0
Sync Pick
"Rated Sync Pick by Pilot.Org editors."
Powerful and Inexpensive
"TealDoc provides a powerful and inexpensive way
to create and read e-texts on your Palm."
UltraPortable Computing Magazine - September 2001
Coolest "Rated Eurocool Coolest by Eurocool editorial staff."
"It's intuitive user interface makes reading DOC
files easier than ever with simple graphical buttons
at the tip of your stylus."
Jim's App Archive
Features Galore
"This reader has features galore with a price that's nice."
Julie Strietelmeier - The Gadgeteer
Third Party Documents
"A great bonus to the application is the host of third party documents
and e-books available for TealDoc. There are literally hundreds
for you to choose from. This alone is a key benefit over other lesser
known readers."
Art Liem, Canada PUG
A program that makes many wishes come true is TealDoc.
"What the Palm Handheld still lacks is a powerful text viewer
to get handbooks, your own documents and the more and more
popular eBooks on the screen. A program that makes many
wishes come true is TealDoc."
Carsten Scheibe, pdassi.de
Translation by Miriam Jeschke
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Write Better with Digital "Ink"
Five Stars 
"Received five-star top rating and Editor's Pick by ZD Net editorial staff."
ZD Net Editors, ZD Net Online

"Best Graffiti Enhancement finalist,
Handheld Computing's Best of 2001 Awards"
Handheld Computing Magazine
Improved Accuracy
"I found that my accuracy with graffiti improved significantly with
TealEcho. Certain characters give me more problems than others: O's
that become U's, C's that becomoe O's and that pesky shortcut character
showing up as M. Seeing the actual shape of my Graffiti stroke
was an eye-opener."
Ian McKenzie, Pocket Anywhere
Highly Recommended
"I have to say TealEcho is a very stable and useful
program and would highly recommend it to anyone who
wants to improve his or her Graffiti recognition.
My Palm's recognition of my Graffiti
stroke for question marks "?" has improved to the point of about 8 or
9 correct out of every 10 attempts."
Full Review
Helps Everybody with Graffiti
"This $11.95 shareware helps everybody with Graffiti
writing because it "echoes" the character shape you
are drawing, above in the regular screen area. Once
you finish the character and lift the stylus, the shape
goes away. This can really help you understand what your
Palm thinks you're writing."
Extremely Helpful
"This program is very neat, extremely helpful and you
gotta get it if you want to really become a proficient
Graffiti expert."
David Boles, GoInside
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Today View and Key Guard
Winner - SIA Best Program for PDA's
"The Shareware Industry Awards were presented on July 20, 2002 at the twelfth annual
Shareware Industry Conference. Taking place in St. Louis, Missouri, it was attended
by shareware authors, press, and shareware enthusiasts from all over the world.
TealGlance won the SIA Award as the Best Program for PDA's."
Shareware Industry Association
Five Stars 
"Terrific hack--now I don't have to remember to go to an application to
see what I have going on for the day--as soon as I turn on my Palm,
it's all right there. I find the constant reminder very helpful.
Highly recommended"
Rob Warner, on PalmGear HQ
Finalist, Five Stars 
"TealGlance is a great tool for viewing your most important information quickly, and so
packed full of features that everyone will find it useful.
Finalist, ZDNet PalmPilot Software Awards, 2000. PIM's category."
ZD Net/PC Magazine Online
Five Stars 
"Received five-star top rating and Editor's Pick by ZD Net editorial staff."
ZD Net Editors, ZD Net Online
Five Geek Heads 
"I like the way TealPoint has integrated many display
functions into one interface, allowing
you to use TealGlance as a quick summary of the day's events."
Erik Johnson, UGeek.com
Five Stars 
"Receive top rating -- Five Stars -- by Muchy's Palmware software editors."
Muchy's Palmware Review
TealGlance is the Palm App for You
"If you are looking for a quick way to view your day
at a glance with a minimum of fuss, TealGlance is the Palm
application for you."
Full Review
Uncluttered and Concise
"The display is uncluttered and concise without being overwhelming."
PC Novice Guide to Computing: Portables and Windows CE, Vol. 6 Issue 11
Sync Pick
"Rated Sync Pick by Pilot.Org editorial staff"
Can't Live Without
"Before TealGlance I spent an inordinate amount of time screen hopping.
Now I just turn it on and let it show me my day at a glance. And because it
is fully configurable, I can have it turn on the backlight during evening hours
and even change the look and feel of the screen.
I can't live without this one and neither will you."
Hot Product
"Rated Hot Product by Handango editorial staff."
Coolest "Rated Eurocool Coolest by Eurocool editorial staff."
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Information at your Fingertips
Five Stars 
"Like all of the software coming from TealPoint.com it is top-notch and
professional. They sure know how to create helpful programs for Palm
users. Palm users also are supporting TealInfo with lots of useful
Folios (Informational programs) that are coming out every week. One of
the best parts is the low shareware price."
Mike Ryan, on PalmGear H.Q.
Five out of Five 
"Excellent product. More than just a database, more than just a reader.
You can build your own interface, suitable for the data at hand.
Since different forms of data have different needs of presenting it on
the screen, TealInfo is the best program around to do just that."
Olger, on Handango.com
Five Stars 

"Winner, ZDNet PalmPilot Software Awards, 2000. Applications category.
TealInfo is a fantastic system for storing and accessing different
types of information."
ZD Net/PC Magazine Online
Winner - Best Program or Utility for PDA's

"The Shareware Industry Awards were presented at the tenth annual
Shareware Industry Conference, attended by shareware authors, press, and shareware
enthusiasts from all over the world. TealInfo won the SIA People's Choice Awards as the
Best Program or Utility for PDA's."
Shareware Industry Association
"TealInfo is a good example on how to effectively
present and manage reference data... There are many pre-made
folios available to download, or you can create your own using a text
editor and a command line converter."
Ian McKenzie, Pocket Anywhere.com
Leading the Way
"TealInfo is a well-designed application and is
both fast and easy to use. ... TealPoint is leading the
way with its fantastic range of Palm software and TealInfo
further strengthens their product line. This is the best
data display application available yet, with many great
features available to developers."
Christian Oliff, PDA-dash Mar, 1999
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Launch your Apps Instantly
Five Stars 
"May I just say, This software Is AWESOME!! I use it whenever I turn on
my palm. It is absolutely essential. You can program to have apps
launch by just holding down one of the hard buttons for two secdons.
Also the pop up window displays any apps you want. This is a must have
Trevor Gould, on PalmGear HQ
Five Stars 
"Received top rating -- five stars -- by Tucows editorial staff."
Tucows -- PilotZone.com
Wouldn't try to live without it
"When I first installed this program, I was a bit overwhelmed at its complexity.
After a little usage, however, I wouldn't try to live without it."
Daniel Eaton, PocketAnywhere.com
Great Compliment
"TealLaunch makes hopping between applications a snap... TealLaunch
is a great compliment to your application launcher much like how
your PDA compliments your desktop."
Kenny Delaney, Canada PUG
Fastest Possible Access
"Offers a lot of flexibility... The fastest possible access to most of the
applications you use regularly."
PalmUser magazine issue 7
Great "TealLaunch is great for keeping applications close to your stylus and
available on demand when you need them, regardless of where you are
reading, scribbling Graffiti, or playing."
The PalmGuru, PocketAnywhere.com
The level of customizability is outstanding.
"TealLaunch allows one to program the hard buttons in very sophisticated ways and will launch Desk Accessories. The level of customizability is outstanding."
FoxPop PDA Essentials
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Handheld Security and Encryption
Five Stars 
"Received top rating -- five stars -- by Tucows editorial staff."
Tucows -- PilotZone.com
A Definite Winner
"TealPoint has left all
other Palm security apps in the dust. You will be amazed at the
innumerable settings. TealLock excels in design, reliability,
stability, and added extra encryption for both RAM and external cards."
John Anchan -- PalmAddicts
"Because the program has so many ways to customize the security
of the device, TealLock makes the lockout feature of the Palm
a practical security tool for keeping unauthorized users out."
Laptop Magazine

"Best Enterprise Security Application finalist,
Handheld Computing's Awards"
Handheld Computing Magazine
One of the best security programs for PalmOS PDAs.
"Teallock is known as one of the best security programs for PalmOS PDAs.
Now Teallock got much more powerful: Tealpoint has completely redesigned
Teallock and released it as version 6. In comparison with version 5, Teallock 6
has got many more features"
Full Review
Truly Amazing
"The program is a very configurable. The range of
options is truly amazing, and there is no way in
this short review I can tell you about them all."
Full Review
A Very Nice Application
"Perhaps the most versatile of the power on/off style
security programs is TealLock from TealPoint Software...
Tealpoint has been making quality software for the Palm
for many years. TealLock has all the innovation they have
been known for. It's a very nice application."
Editor, About.com
TealLock est vraiment un plus.
"Si vous avez vraiment des données sensibles dans votre Palm, TealLock est vraiment un plus."
Sync Pick
"Rated Sync Pick by Pilot.Org editorial staff."
Hot Product
"Received Hot Product rating by Handango editorial staff."
Rolls Royce
"The 'Rolls Royce' of locking solutions."
PalmUser magazine
Great! "Great!!! ... I was looking for something like this
because it is a hassle to click drag the security program
of the unit."
Gregorio Padin on Handango.com
Apps You Need
"Rated One of top five Apps You Need by PalmPlanet editorial staff."
TealLock is inexpensive and works seamlessly.
"TealLock has a simple graphic interface, and the program is user-friendly with well thought out options to customize security settings. The program is inexpensive and works seamlessly with the PalmOS platform's built-in basic security application."
Fatimah Tahil, MD, MPH, Journal of Psychiatric Practice Vol. 10, No. 4
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System Extensions Managed Right
With TealMaster, I can continue to run most of my favorite hacks under OS5.
"The only misgiving I had about shifting to the new Palm OS5 resulted
from reports that hacks would no longer run under the new Palm OS. Since
I rely heavily on hacks for everything from launching programs, using
alternative keyboards and copying and pasting large amounts of text, I
seriously considered not even moving to OS5.... But as it turns out, my
misgivings were unfounded: with TealMaster, I can continue to run most of
my favorite hacks under OS5."
PalmTop-Pro magazine issue 32
Five Stars 
"Hackmaster was the most useful application for the Palm OS, but it
just had a few major problems. It still was in version 1.0, cointaning [sic]
many bugs and the company has never responded to my e-mails. But that
time is over, now that TealPoint brought out TealMaster an excellent
Hackmaster-Application with all the bug fixes from the original and
great new features. Now TealMaster is my most useful application for
the Palm OS! Great work TealPoint!"
Reviewer on PalmGear
Five Stars 
"TealMaster has saved me a TON of headaches because of the extra features it offers. My crashes...gone for now (thanks to TealMaster)!!! Life saver app!"
Mike F. Synowiec, on Handango
Five out of Five 
"What Hackmaster could have been...
Excellent replacement for Hackmaster!
Works on my Prism with all the hacks I normally run.
Great user interface with plenty of options. Really like
the ability to define sets of hacks. No more hassel of
individually reenabling hacks after a reset. Kudos to TealPoint!!"
Well Designed
"If you're a power hack user and need the ability to switch between different
hack configurations, TealMaster and x-master are your only choices.
Of the two, TealMaster's concept of hack priorities is simple, clear,
and well-designed, its display is the most informative, and its Profile
Mapping allows hacks to be enabled automatically when switching
applications. Technical information on system patches is also better
presented in TealMaster, and, as with most TealPoint software,
the documentation is first rate."
Steve Turczyn, PalmUser magazine
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Find your Restaurant Favorites
A Great Application
"I tend to eat out a lot which is why this restaurant
guide for the PalmPilot grabbed my attention.
TealMeal packs a ton of into onto the PalmPilot screen.
It allows for 12 different food categories, including Other
and a "Wheel of Food"... Overall a great application that has found a place
in my heart, and more importantly on my PalmPilot."
HandJive Magazine
A Great Program
"TealMeal... is a great program, but it really gains
importance with personal entries you put in yourself because
then the program is personalized to your tastes and needs."
GoInside Magazine
Hot Product
"Received Handango Hot Product designation from Handango editorial staff."
Stability in Key!
"I am honestly amazed that this program could get anything less than five stars from anyone who uses it. It is yet another fantastic program from TealPoint."
Stanley McGriffith, on PalmGear
It is great.
"I can sort the restaurants by cuisine and regions (using labels: I am in Miami and I have labels for SoBe, Gables, Grove, etc.) It is indispensible for someone who likes eating out and trying new places."
Crystal Poon, on PalmGear
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SD Card and File Companion
"Its no-frills businesslike layout is refreshing... I found TealPoint's
implementation particularly intuitive."
HandHeld Computing Magazine, Issue 4.4
A Wonderful Tool
"TealMover is a wonderful tool for the power user who isn't afraid
to dig into the handheld and move things around."
Dave Ruske, PocketAnywhere.com
Five Stars 
"This is by far the best file maintenance program I have come accross. I have used several and never knew the extent of the capabilities of this beauty until I needed something to get me out of a jam. Truly a multi-functional program!!!"
M. Syno, on PalmGear
TealMover Makes Moving Easy
"TealMover uses Teal's modern standardized navigation system for file management. Those of you who use TealDoc or other TealPoint programs that require navigation to various databases will recognize and immediately know how to use the very intuitive interface. Did I call the interface "intuitive"? Yes, TealPoint's navigation style is intuitive enough that even my technology slow mother can figure it out."
Kevin Martin, Whim Internet Magazine
TealMover was rock solid for me.
"TealMover allows moving and beaming program databases as well as applications, adds the ability to delete single, isolated data files and applications, and adds the ability to adjust file properties."
M. Syno, on PalmGear
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Mini Multimedia on the Move
Five Smileys 
"TealMovie is a remarkable creation that I didn't think I'd see for another year"
Five Stars 
"This is the best piece of software I have ever seen on the
Palm!! It has great sound and video on my Palm IIIC. You will
be blown away when you see this software at work! This should
be an essential for anyone with a color Palm. I think it
supports grayscale to but I haven't actually seen it."
Brady Simon, on PalmGear.com
Five Stars 
"Receive top rating -- Five Stars -- by Muchy's Palmware software editors."
Muchy's Palmware Review

"Best Image or Animation Viewer finalist,
Handheld Computing's Best of 2001 Awards"
Handheld Computing Magazine
Top Pick
"If it has been awhile since you've had a Keanu Reeves moment
(his exclamation of 'whoa' on the roof in the M a t r i x comes to mind)
then you owe it to yourself to try TealMovie, a program that
redefines what handheld PCs are all about."
Dave Johnson, Handheld Computing Magazine
Now Showing
"The software is inexpensive and fairly easy to use, and it shows
surprisingly clear images given the tiny screen size
of hand-held computers. And it's a good application with which to
wow friends."
Neil Orman, San Jose Business Journal
Looks Great
"It's got smooth playback up to 25 frames per second, high-quality
full screen color or grayscale imagery, and synchronized sound
playback capability. It looks great."
PalmPower Magazine
Pushes Multimedia
"TealMovie pushes multimedia about as far as it can go given limited
hardware, and might just keep you from crossing over to the
Pocket PC while you wait for the next generation of Palms."
Dave Ruske, PocketAnywhere.com
Editor's Choice
"TealMovie transforms Palm OS-based handhelds into full-featured
sound and video players. -- Editor's Choice"
UltraPortable Computing Magazine, December 2001
A Tribute
"...an intelligent and comprehensive desktop converter and a
highly-optimised handheld player... It's a tribute to what TealMovie does
with the very limited hardware that having seen and heard what is possible
you'll almost certainly dismiss any other, mute solution... TealMovie
won't let you watch blockbusters in bed, but it does go further than
anything else ever created for Palm OS and is an attractive way to present
very short video segments for your education and enjoyment."
PalmUser magazine issue 8
A Great Tool
"TealMovie is a great tool for showing off home video or giving a simple
business proposition over lunch."
UltraPortable Computing Magazine - September 2001
Knock your Socks Off
"A knock your socks off app. You can carry a snippet of you children and
play it when you need it most. On the TRGpro, the sound is great and you
can carry a film library."
Allan P. Freedman
Absolutely Amazing
"This is an absolutely amazing application! This takes my Palm
IIIc to another level! My friends were impressed and I look
forward to new movies coming out! Check out the Kung Fu parody!!"
MJSanFran, on Handango.com
My "desert island" pick.
"I use it to watch quick clips of my 2 year old son when I'm having a bad day at work or if I'm away for a couple days and it never fails to cheer me up."
Shaun McGill, PDANews24.com
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Digital Graphic Sticky Notes
Five Stars 
"Thank you! Thank you! Thank you! I have been praying for exactly this
kind of application.... I had a CE unit the nino and the
only thing I liked about it was the fact that a person could write a
note right on the screen in your own handwriting...this is great and
a long needed program once again will there be a program developed
where I can see my handwritten note on my computer screen when I
Daniel Glazer, on PalmGear HQ
Five Stars 
"Very cool app, now you can add
drawings to almost everything, memos,
datebooks, notes, etc. You will be
able to see both drawings and text
on the same screen, no more switching between
apps or clicking on separate icon. Highly recommended"
Kok Tong Woo -- on PalmGear HQ
Five Stars 
"This is amazing to say the least...
I can't wait to see what they come up with next."
Michael Ryan -- on PalmGear HQ
Five Stars 
"Highly recommended! Once I downloaded this great
piece of software, I couldn't stop using
it in every one of my daily apps for quick notes
and ideas. Give it a try!"
Andy Abramson -- on PalmGear HQ
"An essential addition for most people's organisers, TealNotes
is a genuinely exciting and imaginative utility that breaks
new ground for both Palm OS and its users."
Steve Litchfield, PalmUser Magazine, Issue 3
Great Program!
"This is a great program! I found myself using TealNotes regularly.
I am somewhat graphically challenged. If public washrooms are not
identified by text labels, I have to give the images a good look to
make sure I am picking the right one. Nevertheless, I use drawing-based
programs on my Palm III to replace sticky-notes. They're a quick-and-dirty
method for capturing information, which can then be entered more permanently
at a later time. TealNotes will become part of that set of programs."
Ian McKenzie, PalmGuru.com
"An essential addition for most people's organisers, TealNotes is a
genuinely exciting and imaginative utility that breaks new ground for both
Palm OS and its users."
Steve Litchfield, PalmUser Magazine
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The next best thing to webOS
Definitely Worth It
"Like the Pre’s UI but still want to keep your favorite apps?
If so, then TealOS is the application for you.
It’s definitely worth the $14.95 registration fee."
Robin, MyTreo.Net
Blown Away
"After watching a video of just how thorough the makeover is, we're pretty blown away.
Anyone either in love with the hardware of their Palm OS 5-based device or made
physically ill by the thought of switching to Sprint to get the Pre might want
to seriously consider TealOS' $14.95 asking price""
Editor in Chief - Engadget.com
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Ultimate Drawing and Painting
Five Stars 
"Received top rating -- five stars -- by Tucows editorial staff."
Tucows -- PilotZone.com
Five Stars 
"TealPaint is for all of us "artist" out there that just can't get there
hands from a pencil. It's the most feature rich painting program
that I've ever saw, and I've tried all of them out there. Other
software had some plus, some minuses, but TealPoint got all the
Christopher Schlembach, on PalmGear HQ
Five out of Five 
"Like Photoshop for the desktop, TealPaint leads its
competitors by a mile or even more, making it The Graphics
Imaging Software for the Palm... Definitely worth every
cent of the registration fee. Rating: 5/5"
PDALIVE.com Reviews - Jan 2000
Five out of Five 
"Like Photoshop for the desktop,
TealPaint leads its competitors by a
mile or even more making it the
Graphics Imaging Software for the Palm.
For its array for tools and
functionalities are a major plus
toward usability. Definitely worth
every cent of the registration fee. Rating 5/5"
Goh Beng Yeow, PDALIVE.com
Five Stars 
"Amazingly, this great little program lets you draw
with your pen, and you can use textures and other surprisingly sophisticated
drawing features."
Preston's Picks, ZDNet
"This is an extensive painting utility that I would highly recommend
if you're a sometime user like me."
Art Liem, CanadaPUG.com
Impressive Results
"TealPaint won't make you an artist, but its ease-of-use, variety of drawing
tools and that incredibly handy background lock can yield some pretty impressive
Dave Ruske, PocketAnywhere.com
Possibly the Best
"This is the first colour paint program for
the Palm OS and is possibly the best."
Henry Kong, www.spug.org
"It's Windows Paint for PalmOS, complete with a library
of brushes, fill styles, and fonts. Better yet, you have the
added control of drawing with the stylus."
PC Computing Magazine
"If you are serious about creating art on the PalmPilot,
TealPaint is likely the most feature-rich drawing tool
available. It offers common drawing aids for creating lines,
circles, boxes, and ovals, you can paint with 12 brushes,
fill entire areas using the paint bucket, and add text to your
pictures. TealPaint even lets you zoom in on images while
PC Novice Guide to Computing, Portables and Windows CE
Hot Product
"Rated Handango Hot Product by Handango editorial Staff"
"TealPaint is a fantastic image and painting program that
allows you [to] draw and manipulate images on your WorkPad.
When I use TealPaint I don't feel like I'm on a handheld at
all. I can draw robust images and manipulate text in funky and
fun ways."
David Boles, GoInside Magazine
Winner, Editor's Choice Awards
"Winner, Editor's Choice Awards 1998. "Most Essential to putting out PalmPower.""
PalmPower Magazine
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The Better Address Book
Winner - SIA Best Program for PDA's
"The Shareware Industry Awards were presented on July 20, 2002 at the twelfth annual
Shareware Industry Conference. Taking place in St. Louis, Missouri, it was attended
by shareware authors, press, and shareware enthusiasts from all over the world. TealPhone
won the SIA People's Choice Awards as the Best Program for PDA's."
Shareware Industry Association
Five out of Five 
"Brilliant. I used to use ActionNames, but as with all
address books the UI was too cumbersome and the display
too small!! With Tealphone I can bring up a number
using only the hard buttons and the number display
is so large that I never have to search for my glasses
to read it! When out and about this single handed
operation is such a relief. To be fair ActionNames
is a great product, but Tealphone has made living with
my palm much more practical and enjoyable."
"Michael for Sydney" on Handango.com
Five Geek Heads 
"Once again, TealPoint has not disappointed me! The double
perfect score earns TealPoint a place on the UGeek Pick list."
Joel Evans, UGeek.com
Five Stars 
"Received top rating -- five stars -- by Tucows editorial staff."
Tucows -- PilotZone.com
Five out of Five 
"My most-valued add-on application...
I love TealPhone. Being able to quickly find phone numbers by First, last or company name is
so convenient. The data display is very clear and easy to read. If you use your Palm to any significant degree for a phone directory, this
is a wonderful app. I can't say enough -- try it, you'll buy it!"
"WestBoundTrain" on Handango.com
Check it Out
"If you're looking to spiff up your address book's interface,
check out TealPoint Software's TealPhone, a replacement
app for the built-in Address book... TealPhone has options galore...
Taken together, all these options make TealPhone work the way *you*
think it should."
Dave Ruske, PocketAnywhere.com
Gem "In my search for the perfect address book replacement I must have
stumbled through at least a dozen before discovering this gem from TealPoint
Matthew Mullenweg, Houston Palm User's Group
Better than the Built-Ins
"TealPhone, from TealPoint Software, also makes good use of its
colorful interface. It shows more information at once per contact
on screen than does AddressPro or PhoneMate or Palm's Address Book,
for that matter."
HandHeld Computing Magazine, Issue 5.0
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The Cure for Fat Thumbs
Five Stars 
"Great great great! It improves my PDA handwriting speed and accuracy.
Why palm OS didn't include this feature in OS because everyone has
unique style of handwriting. I think the value of this software is
more than the cost I paid."
Apichai Suksathaporn, on PalmGear HQ.
Five Stars 
"The recognition is quite excellent, and it
wasn't long until I was pretty much where I was on my old Palm Pilot. This is why I
bought a Treo, and after purchasing this software I was not disappointed. Big
thumbs up."
Alan Gatin, on Handango.com
Five Stars 
"Received top rating -- five stars -- by Tucows editorial staff."
Tucows -- PilotZone.com
Five Stars 
"Receive top rating -- Five Stars -- by Muchy's Palmware software editors."
Muchy's Palmware Review
Five Stars 
"Snad jen to, že me prekvapil svojí stabilitou ve všech programech, které používám a že je nepochopitelné, proc s necím podobným neprišela prímo firma Palm."
Winner, PalmPilot Software Awards

"Winner, 1998 ZDNet PalmPilot Software Awards, 1998. Hacks category.
"Improve Palm's handwriting recognition. If you find the Palm's
Graffiti too rigid for your style, replace it with TealScript.""
ZD Net/PC Magazine Online
Best $16.95 You've Ever Spent
"If you use Graffiti for anything more than a quick phone number
or name, then you should seriously think about getting this
program. There are very few programs for the Palm device that I
feel are must-have items, but TealScript is one of those few.
TealScript costs $16.95 and can be downloaded from TealPoint's
Web site at http://www.tealpoint.com/softscrp.htm. Believe me,
it may be the best $16.95 you've ever spent on your Palm OS-based
PalmPower magazine
"The ultimate Graffiti enhancement... it's the work of a few seconds to
define a new stroke for a character you've always had problems with... a
useful tool."
PalmUser magazine issue 3
Winner, Editor's Choice Awards
"Winner, Editor's Choice Awards. Graffiti Replacements category."
PalmPower Magazine
Five Stars 
"Received five-star top rating and Editor's Pick by ZD Net editorial staff."
ZD Net Editors, ZD Net Online
A Must-Have
"If you would rather use graffiti than any hardware add-on
or software replacement, TealScript is a must-have product. It does
a wonderful job."
Daniel Eaton, PocketAnywhere.com
Complete Control
"Gain complete control over your Graffiti with
TealScript. You can tweak nearly every aspect of the
Graffiti alphabet to tailor it to your style of writing. Several
alternative strokes come with the program, or you can replace
the entire Graffiti system yourself by creating custom strokes for
each character."
PC Novice Guide to Computing: Portables and Windows CE, Vol. 6 Issue 11
Two Thumbs Up
"You can actually train the Pilot to recognize the strokes
that YOU want to use for each letter... Isn't that what everyone
really wants? A PalmPilot that recognizes our own handwriting?
Nothing to learn, nothing to memorize... Two thumbs up!"
Canada's Premier PalmPilot User's Group
Gear's Choice
"Received Gear's Choice! rating by PalmGear editorial staff."
Palm Gear H.Q.
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Pop-up Utilities Bundle
Five out of Five 
"One of the most useful Palm apps I've found...
I've been a fan of Teal Software for a while now, what
with TealEcho and TealInfo being such useful hacks/apps, but TealTools has
topped them all for its usefulness."
Mike Pountney, on Handango.com
Five Stars 
"Absolutely indespensible! My favorites are TealPrefs, which lets you
quickly change those overly-commonly accessed features that are too
annoying to have to run Prefs, etc. just to get at them. And TealEdit
is the best I have seen. The copy/paste functions are great for those
buggy fields in odd apps that just refuse to copy or paste from. Great
job! I look forward to new TealTools that you guys think of!"
Steffan Andrews, on PalmGear HQ
Useful "I like the Desk Accessories concept, and TealPoint's six
pack is bound to include something you'll find useful."
Dave Ruske, PocketAnywhere.com
Talk about convienent!
"I remember those days of various nifty utilities from different developers. Indeed, I myself bought the registration codes to several utilities that enhanced my device in ways I liked. TealTools gathers up the various tools and sells them as one cohesive bundle."
Kevin Martin, Whim Internet Magazine
TealTools has become an ESSENTIAL application for me.
"The beauty of this program is that you can access each function with a simple stylus stroke. TealTools has become an ESSENTIAL application for me."
Shaun McGill, PDANews24.com
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| Gold Pilot Award Winner
| Golden Web Award Winner
| Links2Go Award Winner